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Town Hall Structure Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 3/23/15
Town Hall Structural Advisory Committee Minutes
March 23 2015
Larry Klein, Chair, Bethany Mielke, secretary, Muriel Lazzarini, Ray Tryon, Bob Lazzarini, Susan Gallant, Norma Champigny, Steve Weisz
Also in attendance:
Melissa Noe,  Kenn Bassler
Meeting called to order at 4:02
1. Minutes from March 17 were unanimously approved after revisions.
2. Melissa received an email from Maynard, who offered to be interviewed as part of the committee's research.   The committee discussed the option to call him and have him on speakerphone.  It was decided that this would be beneficial because he had worked for the town for many years and because he is now retired, he may feel more comfortable opening up.
3. Ray spoke with Barbara Gauthier.  She feels that Melissa is okay and should stay.  As far as a town administrator is concerned, she said that there is no need for one and the problems can be fixed with the people in the town hall.  She did not offer any suggestions for how they could be fixed.  She thinks that the treasurer, tax collector, and clerk should be appointed, she did not state why.  Larry said that he would be interested in hearing her suggestions about why things happen and how they could have been avoided in the town hall.  Ray said he would follow up with questions is he gets a chance to talk with Barbara again.
4. The committee discussed the interview with Joe Kellog.  Bob said that we did not discuss the problems in the town hall with Joe, we just asked him about his position(s) which left us with more questions for him.  Larry said that when Joe was what other towns have done, he explained why they were done a certain way which may give Monterey ideas for how to solve problem situations.  Larry said that it seemed that some people on the committee felt that the idea of an administrator was not needed.  Steve clarified that some members felt that an administrator may certainly be a backup plan. Steve extrapolated that Joe's comment about Monterey being in better shape than other towns was a sign that we were doing a good job in our town.  Susan said that he was generalizing about the structure of town hall, which is in good shape but was not referring to the specific issues that aren't being addressed.   Muriel said that we should provide the select board with committee's suggestions, while in the process of getting a town administrator, because the requirements across the departments within the town hall are increasing due to state demands.   She feels it would be beneficial for the town to get a head start on the idea of an adiminstrator because it will become more necessary at time goes on.  Scott, commented that Muriel is on the right track because the town needs HR and conflict resolution and someone who can assist and give the proper information to everybody.   He believes this would help minimize frustration and confusion.  Bob said that the town has progressed by having a secretary, then a junior administrator, and that it seems clear the town will need a professional administrator.  He agrees with Steve that there are issues that can be resolved, however, there will be more down the road that need to be solved.  Scott said that the selectboard will still have the final say, but the selectboard needs to give the administrator a detailed job description.
        Larry suggested that the committee should vote on whether an administrator should be hired.  If the committee votes in favor of an administrator, the white papers should reflect how an administrator would resolve current problems seek those in the future.  
        Susan suggested having Joe Kellogg come in to discuss what he would do as an administrator for Monterey and what the town may need.  The committee discussed whether it would be helpful to have Joe work in Monterey as a consultant and help develop a better working structure for the town.  Scott said that any help would be beneficial and that maybe it would be worthwhile to have Joe come in to do his own research and report to see what is working and what needs to be improved.  He would like to see this kind of position support the idea of keeping personnel issues out of selectboard meetings.
        Larry said that Joe's comment about the selectboard having limited hours to handle all aspects of their job is the challenge, and that a part time administrator would be here for 20 hours consistently in a supportive role.  Ray thinks that Joe should be tried.  Scott said that the suggestion to the selectboard needs to be concrete and wondered if it would be beneficial to talk to former selectboard members of the towns that have worked with Joe. Susan pointed out that a benefit to an administrator is that they offer continuity in a town where elected officials (selectboard, etc) change.
5. Muriel and Bob offered their questions for Joe Kellogg's possible second interview were shared.   Larry asked the committee what we should do with these questions for Joe.  Many committee members agreed that Joe should come in for a second conversation.  Larry will contact Joe to see if he can join us next week.  
6.  Larry discussed the elected positions and how they would be handled by an administrator.  Bob added that it is important that elected positions have specific office hours.  Scott also mentioned that the selectboard voted against changing some elected positions to appointed ones for the upcoming election.  

Next meeting 3/30 @ 4:00. (to be determinted by whether Joe can come)
1. Second interview with Joe Kellogg
2. Phone interview with Maynard

Motion to close the meeting @ 5:23